Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Dear Mom and Dad: Letter from a Child

June 23, 2009

Dear Mom and Dad,

Is it okay if I call you that? Mom and Dad… That’s what you would have been after I was born- technically that is what you were the moment I was conceived. I have a question for you. Do you ever think about me? When you see a little girl on her bike with her Mommy at the park, do you sit and watch her wishing that could have been you and I? Or when there is a man fishing with his son and they catch a big one and get excited- do you think that could have been us Dad?

I miss you so much. I wish I was still with you, inside Mommy’s belly where it was all warm and comfy. There is so much I would have looked forward to; times where Mommy could just brush my hair or times when Daddy and I could fix things together. Mommy could have taught me to bake cookies and Daddy could show me how to tie my shoes. I think we would have had lots of fun together and I wish I was able to be there learning everything a child should.

You and I both don’t really know what I was going to be, but you didn’t want to get to know me. At least I don’t think you did. That is what you did what you did right? Did you not think I was alive? Did you not know I had a beating heart? Did you not know that my brain was developing? I could have been an astronaut, a school teacher, a policeman, a lawyer or a doctor. I could have been a vet, a fireman, a journalist, a photographer, a homemaker.

I might have been really good in school. Got good grades, had fun at prom and went to a great college. What would you say when I got married? Would you be excited seeing me at my wedding? Depending on my job I might have had a cool car like a viper or just a sensible car for a family to be transported in. I could have been a parent someday. Maybe had a baby or two or three of my own. What would I have named them? What would they look like?

I wonder where I would have lived. Buying a house for my family and having a fenced in yard with a dog. Maybe not- I may have been allergic.

I wonder…

I wonder…

I wonder… what my life would have been like if you decided to keep me or give me the life you knew you couldn’t to another couple.

Do you any have answers?


Your aborted baby.

P.S. Do you think of me too?

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